Personal Goods

Both untrue information in the press and a comment picked up on an internet forum or under an article can limit or block the development of an enterprise and destroy a person’s good reputation built up over many years, locally and nationally. You do not have to hold a public office to feel the real consequences of a violation of personal rights.
In situations of violation of personal rights, only a well-prepared and conducted response can remove the consequences of the violation and limit the possibility of its recurrence in the future. We have experience, among other things, in obtaining the publication and issuance of corrigenda (so that they are precise and discernible) and establishing the personal data of individuals who allow themselves to anonymously post untrue statements on the Internet. We represent aggrieved parties in pursuing claims, both pecuniary and non-pecuniary. We know that speed is of the essence in these types of proceedings.

We specialise, among others, in:


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