The one-storey Classicist manor house in Bytyń was built around 1785 for the Niegolewski family. The builder was probably Bernard Leinweber from Poznań. In the following years, the palace was surrounded by an Italian-style park, later transformed into a landscape park. The manor was then expanded twice – including adding a floor. In the years 1990-2000 it was restored and glazed wings were added. The owners of the village itself have changed over the years. It is known that in 1322 it belonged to Piotr Drogosławic, chancellor of the Kingdom of Poland and castellan of the Middle River – these are the first records of the town. Then the owners were among others Konarzewski coat of arms Poraj, Niegolewscy, Gąsiorowcy and again Niegolewscy until 1939. Like many properties of this type, Bytyń was taken over by the State Treasury after the Second World War as part of the agricultural reform carried out in the 1940s. It passed back into private hands in 1989, when the property was purchased by the Nissenbaum family foundation.