Former plot of land to return to rightful owners after nearly 80 years

A judgment ordering the National Center for Agricultural Support (KOWR) to release a plot of land to the heirs of the property’s last pre-war owners has ended a case conducted by advocate Maciej Obrębski and attorney-at-law Jakub Dobkiewicz.

The proceedings concerned a former parcel of land that was, among other things, part of a manor-park complex in the Wadowice district, which was omitted from the list of nationalized land during the takeover of the entire estate in the 1940′s and was not transferred to the new “lwh” mortgage list.

Successfully claiming the land in question required first reconstructing its historical boundaries to match those of the pre-war parcels.

The case also succeeded in fending off the objection of entitlement, mainly thanks to the prudent interruption of the period of entitlement several years earlier, by means of a call for a settlement attempt to release the disputed plot of land. Even at this stage, it could have been released to the rightful owners, but the KOWR invariably disputed the legitimacy of the heirs’ claim, hence the settlement of the case required going to court.



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